The White House has announced that President Biden and President Xi will have a meeting at the APEC summit in San Francisco.

The White House has announced that President Biden and President Xi will have a meeting at the APEC summit in San Francisco.

The White House has announced that President Biden and President Xi will have a meeting at the APEC summit in San Francisco. Tomorrow, the leaders of China and the United States, Xi Jinping and Joe Biden, are going to meet in San Francisco. Biden has been trying to set up this meeting for a while, mainly to improve military ties between the two countries. The U.S. wants to restore communication between American and Chinese military leaders. This communication was suspended by China last year in response to Nancy Pelosi‘s visit to Taiwan, which China strongly opposed.

The main goal of the meeting is not to make big policy changes but rather to address the strained military relations. There are reports suggesting a potential deal on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in defense. Both countries might agree to ban the use of AI in autonomous weapons like drones and nuclear warheads. This could set a positive example for the rest of the world to follow.

The White House and China have been engaged in discussions about various issues, including spy balloons, nuclear buildup, and computer chip crackdowns. However, another topic of debate has been what China’s leader, President Xi Jinping, will see from his window during his visit to California. China’s diplomats want to ensure that the scenery does not include protesters. The meeting between President Biden and President Xi will involve highly choreographed ceremonial details, with minimal expectations for substantive agreements.

One concrete agreement expected is the resumption of military-to-military communications, which were suspended by China after Nancy Pelosi‘s visit to Taiwan. Both sides have also been discussing the possibility of keeping artificial intelligence software out of their nuclear command and control systems. The fact that expectations are low indicates the limited scope of the meeting, with no plan for a joint statement and each government providing its own account of the discussions.

The agenda for the meeting between President Biden and President Xi Jinping is focused on stabilizing the relationship between the two countries. Both sides are concerned about the deterioration of the relationship in recent years and are looking for positive steps to increase people-to-people exchanges, reassure each other about core security interests, and ensure continued trade and economic growth. The main goal is to eliminate uncertainty and establish a more stable relationship.

However, it is important to note that there are challenges, such as cybersecurity concerns and tensions regarding Taiwan, which may need to be addressed during the discussions. Additionally, the state of China’s economy and its impact on business relationships will likely be part of the agenda, as both countries seek to put their economic ties back on track.

However, the meeting might not cover other contentious issues like military activities around Taiwan or in the South China Sea. The U.S. and China still have disagreements on various matters, and there hasn’t been much alignment on these issues. China, in particular, has expressed concern about the U.S. describing the relationship as a “strategic competition.” Beijing prefers a different framing and emphasizes that the U.S. should respect China’s concerns and development rights.

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