Dried Raisins

Dried Raisins Raisins are dried grapes. They are made by drying grapes until they become shriveled…


Cashews Cashews are a type of nut that grows on cashew trees. They have a creamy…

Olive Green

Olive Green Olive Green are small fruits that grow on olive trees. They have a smooth,…

Fresh Grapes

Fresh Grapes Fresh Grapes are juicy and delicious fruits that come in various colors, such as…


Coconut Coconuts are a type of tropical fruit that grow on coconut palm trees. They have…


Almonds Almonds are a type of nut that is rich in nutrients. They contain healthy fats,…

Sweet Potatos

Sweet Potatos Sweet potatoes are a variety of root vegetable that have a sweet taste and…

Juicy Orange Fruit

Juicy Orange Fruit Oranges are mouth-watering citrus fruits known for their juicy and sweet taste. They…