Liquid Tree

Liquid Tree

Trees in big cities offer multiple benefits. They help improve air quality by absorbing pollutants and generating oxygen. Trees also provide shade, which helps to cool down urban areas and reduce the heat island effect. Additionally, they can help reduce noise pollution and provide habitat for birds and other wildlife. However, sometimes trees can obstruct views, interfere with power lines, or their roots can damage infrastructure like sidewalks or buildings. As an alternative to traditional trees, there is a product called Liquid Tree. A Liquid Tree is a tree-like plant that can be put in a cup just like a drink. It is green like a tree and absorbs carbon dioxide like a real tree, but it does not have roots or leaves. Liquid Tree is also known as Liquid 3.

Liquid tree

Woking of Liquid 3

The liquid tree is composed of water and microalgae. These tiny organisms have the potential to produce essential biological compounds that can be used for various purposes, including medication. Growing them in a photobioreactor ensures efficient and controlled production of these compounds, while also helping in the future to effectively remove carbon dioxide.


The process of growing microalgae involves creating a suitable environment that includes proper temperature, lighting, and nutrients. Microalgae can be cultured in flasks or bioreactors.

Microalgae produce oxygen through a process known as photosynthesis, similar to plants. These tiny organisms contain chlorophyll, a pigment that absorbs sunlight. Sunlight triggers a chemical reaction in the chlorophyll of microalgae, which transforms carbon dioxide and water into glucose (a type of sugar) and oxygen. The oxygen is then released into the surrounding environment, helping to oxygenate the water or air where the microalgae are present. It’s the basic principle of liquid 3.

Pollution controller

Microalgae thrive on water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide, breathing in water and releasing fresh air while removing pollutants, much like a regular tree. Therefore, the more microalgae.purify the air, the greener they become..

You can place Liquid 3 on any surface, whether indoors or outdoors. Liquid 3 is a solution to pollution in urban areas that cannot accommodate traditional ways of reducing pollution, such as parks or trees.

Replacement of benches

Liquid 3 is a powerful cleaning solution that can clean as much as a 20-year-old tree. By using liquid 3, we can avoid waiting for decades for a tree to mature. It is important to note that liquid 3 is not meant to replace trees, but rather to provide an alternative to traditional benches. Liquid 3 benches can clean the air, charge devices, and provide a place to sit. Even in areas where trees cannot be planted, liquid 3 benches can be installed to provide a green solution.

Liquid 3 bench

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