Biden and Xi convene for a summit of significant importance.

Biden and Xi convene for a summit of significant importance.

Biden and Xi convene for a summit of significant importance. After a year of diplomatic silence, a significant face-to-face meeting occurred between the leaders of the world’s two superpowers, US President Joe Biden and China’s President Xi Jinping. The meeting was carefully orchestrated following months of escalating tensions and took place after a prolonged period of no communication between the two leaders.

Both leaders underscored the paramount importance of clear understanding between them. President Xi highlighted their longstanding acquaintance, acknowledging that despite not always seeing eye to eye, their meetings have consistently been characterized by candor, straightforwardness, and utility.

Meeting key issues

The meeting addressed key issues, including China’s relationships with Russia and Iran, tensions regarding Taiwan, and the pressing concern of fentanyl originating from China. The leaders aimed to tackle these sticking points and navigate the complexities of the relationship between the two countries.

President Xi characterized the US-China relationship as the most crucial globally, emphasizing that turning their backs on each other is not a viable option. This sentiment is particularly poignant given the geopolitical conflicts in the Middle East, Ukraine, and tensions over Taiwan, which President Xi identified as the most dangerous issue between the two nations.

In an effort to mitigate potential conflicts, both leaders agreed to restore contact between their militaries. The objective is to prevent crucial miscalculations that could lead to real trouble, particularly in the South China Sea and the East China Sea, with a focus on addressing concerns related to Taiwan.

We need to set a new standard. It's time that people shake hands and agree to disagree. And if people can't do that this country is going to fall apart.

We need to set a new standard. It’s time that people shake hands and agree to disagree. And if people can’t do that this country is going to fall apart.

The leaders acknowledged the importance of avoiding miscommunication, given the reported frequent and dangerous close encounters between US and Chinese military assets in the South China Sea. This concern extends to Canada, as captured by CBC News footage showing Chinese warships shadowing HMCS Ottawa in the Taiwan Strait, highlighting the need for effective military communication to avert incidents.

While the recent encounter did not include a formal meeting between President Biden and President Xi, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed his commitment to engaging with China on issues such as climate change. Trudeau asserted that Canada would continue to challenge Beijing on matters related to human rights, signaling a consistent stance in discussions with China.

Experts caution against any softening of the government’s stance on China, especially amid ongoing investigations into allegations of Chinese foreign interference in past elections. The importance of maintaining a firm position while addressing global challenges and bilateral issues was emphasized during this critical diplomatic engagement between the leaders of the US and China.


Despite the competitive nature of the relationship, the leaders attempted to project a more amicable image, and the talks concluded with a breakthrough announcement—the resumption of military communications between the two countries. The summit aimed to rationalize and manage the U.S.-China relationship, emphasizing a strategic approach to avoid conflict.

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