Revolutionizing Savings: Alibaba 12.12 shopping Cancelled, Unleashed a New Era of Discounts

Revolutionizing Savings: Alibaba 12.12 shopping Cancelled, Unleashed a New Era of Discounts

If you’ve been marking your calendars for Alibaba 12.12 shopping, hold onto your hats because we’ve got some big news for you. Alibaba’s Taobao is switching gears and bringing in a brand-new shopping event called the ‘Year-End Good Price’. Wondering what’s the buzz? Stick with us, and we’ll spill the tea in easy words!

Alibaba 12.12 Shopping Cancelled

Goodbye Dec 12, Hello ‘Year-End Good Price’!

First things first, Taobao and Tmall are saying farewell to the old December 12 shopping festival. Yep, it’s been a tradition, but change is in the air. Now, instead of Alibaba 12.12 Shopping get ready for the ‘Year-End Good Price’ event. It’s like getting a shiny new gift just in time for the holidays.

Revolutionizing Savings: Alibaba 12.12 shopping Cancelled, Unleashed a New Era of Discounts

Why the Change, You Ask?

Let’s dive into the why. Alibaba, the big boss behind Taobao, noticed a shift in how people are shopping. With things like the economy doing a bit of a dance and sales not soaring as high during Singles Day, they decided it’s time for a makeover. They want to keep up with other cool shopping apps and give you an even better experience.

Alibaba “Year-End Good Price”

Alibaba’s Taobao and Tmall have replaced the traditional December 12 sale with the “Year-End Good Price” event, commencing on December 9. Amidst China’s economic slowdown, this strategic shift aims to stimulate consumer spending during the holiday season. The event promises enhanced discounts, increased merchant participation, and a broader product selection.

More Discounts, More Fun!

Now, let’s talk about the good stuff – discounts! ‘Year-End Good Price’ promises to increase the discounts. More discounts mean you can snag those things you’ve been eyeing for even less moolah. And that’s not all; there will be more shops joining the party, offering a ton of different things to pick from. It’s like a shopping extravaganza with prices that make you go “Wow!”

Revolutionizing Savings: Alibaba 12.12 shopping Cancelled, Unleashed a New Era of Discounts

Taobao’s Secret Sauce: Content!

But wait, there’s a twist in this shopping tale. Taobao is not just about buying and selling; they’re adding a sprinkle of entertainment to the mix. They’ve introduced a new feature where you can watch live videos. Imagine checking out a person grilling squid on the streets of Chongqing – sounds like a cool travel show, right? It’s all part of making your shopping app not just a place to shop but also a spot to hang out and have some fun.

Jack Ma’s Advice to Alibaba

Guess who’s giving Taobao some friendly advice? Jack Ma, the big shot who co-founded Alibaba. He had a chat with the folks at Taobao Tmall Commerce Group and said, “Let’s get back to basics.” It’s like going back to the roots, remembering what made Alibaba awesome in the first place.

Numbers Talk: More Users, More Fun!

Let’s peek at the numbers because who doesn’t love a good stat? More people are joining the Taobao party! Daily average users grew by over 6% in the second quarter. That means more friends to share shopping tips and exciting finds with. It’s like having a bigger squad to enjoy the sales and discounts together.


  • Alibaba’s Taobao and Tmall platforms are canceling their Dec. 12 shopping festival.
  • The new Year-End Good Price event will run from Dec. 9.
  • The event will have “greater discount intensity, a larger scale of merchants, and a wider range of products.”
  • The move comes as Alibaba faces increasing pressure from slowing economic growth in China and a more cautious spending environment among consumers.
  • The new event is likely an attempt by Alibaba to boost sales during the important holiday shopping season.

The Finale: ‘Year-End Good Price”

So, with Alibaba 12.12 shopping cancelled – the scoop on Taobao’s big change. ‘Year-End Good Price’ is not just a shopping event; it’s a whole experience. More discounts, more fun videos, and a bunch of new friends joining the shopping party. Alibaba is making sure your online shopping journey is not just easy but also a blast!

Get ready to explore the ‘Year-End Good Price’ event, where every click is a step into a world of discounts and surprises. Happy shopping, everyone!

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